🗃️ Typography
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ActionSheets are sheets that slide up from the bottom of the screen, and present two or more choices related to an intentional user action.
Avatars are small images that represent a user. They are commonly used in lists and profile screens.
AvatarEdits enable users to upload a new profile picture, or edit their current profile picture.
Badges are small components typically used to indicate the status of an item, such as "new" or "unread", to the user.
BottomSheets are sheets that slide up from the bottom of the screen. You can put any content you want inside.
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Cards are a great way to display information, usually containing content and actions about a single subject. Cards can contain images, buttons, text and more. Cards are mainly used for informative purpose.
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CodeInputs are inputs used to enter numeric codes. They can be used to enter double-factor authentication codes.
Dialers are used to display a keypad that allows the user to enter a number.
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MaskedTextInputs are used for inputting text with a mask.
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RadioButtons allow the selection of an option from a set.
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Selects allow the user to choose a single value from a list of options.
SwipeButtons are buttons that can be swiped to the left or right to trigger an action.
SwipeConfirmations are BottomSheets used to add a confirmation to any action in your app that is invoked with a ButtonSwipe. This is useful for things like deleting items or taking some other destructive action.
Switch represents user's decision of a process and indicates whether a state is on/off.
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